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Resveratrol and Transresveratrol and a Longer Healthier Life

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Resveratrol and Transresveratrol and a Longer Healthier Life about Stem Cell Restore

We all know that healthy aging is an uphill battle. That's because as you age, so do your cells -- the building blocks of every part of your body. As your cells age, they can begin to malfunction and die, leading to chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Research shows two supplements- resveratrol and transresveratrol (also known as polygonum cuspidate and trans resveratrol)- can help keep your cells young by shielding them from the most common causes of premature aging.

In this article, we unpack the research behind these incredible supplements and highlight the differences between resveratrol and its more potent form, transresveratrol (trans resveratrol). Plus, we'll tell you exactly what to look for when selecting the right resveratrol supplement for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Resveratrol is an antioxidant polyphenol with numerous health benefits, including powerful anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, and anti-aging effects.

  • Transresveratrol (trans resveratrol) is a form of resveratrol with improved absorption, which could enhance cardiovascular health, aid in weight management, and offer neuroprotective (brain health) and cellular health benefits.

  • A little resveratrol goes a long way. Research shows that all it takes is a low dose of resveratrol to experience its protective health benefits.

The French Paradox: When Resveratrol Became Well Known

Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol compound that's found in red grape skins, blueberries, and peanuts. It first emerged in the natural health world after the introduction of The French Paradox. This observation showed that French people have a low incidence of heart disease, while regularly eating foods rich in saturated fats like cheese, butter, and meat. This directly contradicts the mainstream belief that eating these foods will result in heart disease.

However, further investigation showed that French folks also regularly consume red wine, which contains resveratrol. That's when researchers connected the dots... it's possible that resveratrol can help reverse the negative impacts of a high fat diet by reducing inflammation -- the root cause of most disease as well as cellular damage.

Since the discovery of The French Paradox, scientists have further explored resveratrol's potential health benefits. And they've uncovered some incredible results, including the discovery of transresveratrol, a more stable and bioactive form of this powerful antioxidant. This form is found in Japanese knotweed and recognized for its enhanced absorption and potency. Here's everything you need to know about these two powerhouse supplements.

The Basics of Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a naturally occurring plant compound that can fight oxidative stress and inflammation by powerfully shielding your cells from free-radical damage. This mechanism can support the health of your cardiovascular system, your brain, and your cells and has powerful anti-aging effects.

However, the limited bioavailability of resveratrol has impeded its therapeutic utilization. Research is ongoing to increase its bioavailability, and one promising area is the use of nanotechnology to enhance its delivery.

Transresveratrol: The Cell Protector

Transresveratrol is a form of resveratrol found in certain plants and foods, such as grapes, peanuts, and some berries. It is also available as a supplement. Compared to regular resveratrol, transresveratrol is more bioavailable, meaning it's easier for the body to absorb and use. It can be absorbed up to 30 times faster than regular resveratrol.

Transresveratrol (trans resveratrol) is harvested for use in supplements from the Japanese knotweed plant and can help shield your cells by:

  • Fighting inflammation (anti-inflammatory effects)

  • Functioning as an antioxidant and neutralizing harmful particles

  • Safeguarding cells against damage

  • Inhibiting NF-B activities that trigger inflammation.

  • Increasing telomerase: Telomerase is the enzyme that helps maintain the length of telomeres, which are linked to longer lifespan. A study performed by doctors at The California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences & Psychology has shown that resveratrol significantly increases telomerase activity.

Additionally, transresveratrol has been shown to support stem cell health. Stem cell proliferation is key for healthy aging, as these unique cells are able to develop into many different types of cells, replacing damaged cells in all parts of your body.

The enhanced bioavailability and stronger anti-inflammatory properties of transresveratrol make it an appealing option for those seeking the health benefits of resveratrol but with a higher potency.

The Health Benefits of a Resveratrol Supplement

Dietary supplements are a great way to increase your levels of certain health sustaining nutrients, resveratrol among them. Yes, even if you drink red wine!

Studies show that resveratrol supplements can deliver potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and brain health benefits. As a result, resveratrol supplements are often recommended by natural health doctors and practitioners to help the body age more gracefully.

Resveratrol's Impact on Brain Health

Research shows that resveratrol can help defend against memory loss by supporting brain health. This neuroprotective agent works by mimicking the benefits of calorie restriction on the brain. Its primary mode of action involves activating the sirtuin pathway, which plays a role in preventing the death of brain cells.

Research shows that resveratrol may offer potential cognitive benefits, such as:

  • Improving memory function: A study on healthy older adults found that supplementary resveratrol improved memory performance. The findings suggested that resveratrol intake may enhance memory performance in older individuals.

  • Improving function in the hippocampus, the memory center of your brain: Another study demonstrated that resveratrol supplementation improved learning and memory ability in overweight older adults. The research also highlighted the potential of resveratrol to enhance cognitive function and reduce oxidative stress in the brain.

  • Offering neuroprotection: Research on rats with vascular dementia showed that resveratrol treatment significantly improved spatial learning and memory. This indicates the neuroprotective properties of resveratrol, which can benefit overall cognitive function.

  • Decreasing brain inflammation: Research on late middle-aged rats indicated that resveratrol treatment led to increased hippocampal neurogenesis (creation of new brain cells) and microvasculature (blood flow), which are associated with improved memory and mood function. These findings suggest that resveratrol may help counteract age-related memory impairments.

Resveratrol's impact on memory is supported by evidence showing its ability to improve memory performance, provide neuroprotection, enhance cognitive function, control molecular pathways, and promote neurogenesis and microvasculature in the hippocampus. These findings highlight the excitement surrounding the use of resveratrol as natural support for enhancing memory function.

Resveratrol Supports Healthy Blood Pressure and Boosts Heart Health

As we said before, The French Paradox sparked interest in the heart health benefits of reseveratrol. And many double-blind placebo-controlled studies have shown just how powerful this antioxidant is when it comes to heart health. Resveratrol is known for its cardioprotective and antioxidant effects, including:

  • Supporting healthy cholesterol levels

  • Promoting normal C-reactive protein (CRP) markers-- a measure of inflammation and heart health

  • Reducing ventricle issues (ventricles are the two lower chambers of the heart)

  • Supporting lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure in individuals with hypertension.

  • Promoting a healthy endothelium (lining) of your arteries. Improving the function of the special cells that line your blood vessels -- endothelial cells -- can prevent stiffening in your arteries.

While resveratrol's heart health benefits are remarkable, medical experts might be even more excited about the latest research into resveratrol and aging.

Renew Your Stem Cells by Over 200 Percent and Save Your Youth

Stem cells are unique because they can endlessly self-renew as any type of cell in the body, making them one of the keys to healthy aging.

Resveratrol is essential for stem cell health and growth because research shows it helps promote stem cell renewal and also assists in cell differentiation, the process in which stem cells are programmed with their specialized functions in order to replace damaged cells in different parts of the body. In other words, these cells have the ability to turn into blood cells, endothelial cells, liver and heart cells, smooth muscle cells, even bone cells, so they go to work where you need them most. In fact, a landmark in vivo study shows that resveratrol increases adult repair or mesenchymal stem cells by over 200 percent.

Resveratrol can also help you look younger with the following anti aging properties: stimulating collagen synthesis, reducing oxidative damage, modulating apoptosis (normal cell death), and shielding the skin from UV radiation -- all key factors for preventing cellular aging and skin aging.

The Role of Resveratrol in Blood Sugar Control and Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Resveratrol intake has shown benefits in maintaining lower blood sugar levels in animal models and improving insulin regulation and metabolic benefits in humans. A clinical trial of 62 people with blood sugar struggles, published in the journal Nutrition Research, found that folks taking 250mg of a resveratrol dietary supplement daily for three months experienced significant improvements in their hA1c levels, blood pressure, and total cholesterol levels.

Studies have shown a positive relationship between resveratrol consumption and maintaining a healthy weight, as well as favorable changes in body composition.

One meta-analysis of 36 randomized control trials found that resveratrol administration can significantly support a healthy body weight, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. Additionally, this compound can increase lean body mass, which is crucial for maintaining your mobility as you age.

The Science Behind Transresveratrol's Efficacy

Transresveratrol (trans resveratrol) increases the production of nitric oxide (NO) -- a molecule that helps move nutrients and oxygen to every part of your body -- in specialized cells. This mechanism helps improve heart and overall health.

Studies shows that transresveratrol produces biological activity that helps neutralize inflammation and oxidative damage, combat reactive oxygen species, rebalance the ratio of antioxidants to oxidants, and enhance heart functions.

Transresveratrol also helps regulate inflammation in the body by modulating various signaling pathways. Inflammation is the key driver behind illness and aging, so blocking this process -- like transresveratrol (trans resveratrol) dietary supplements do -- can help you age more healthfully.

Boosting Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase

Research shows that transresveratrol (trans resveratrol) enhances the expression and enzymatic activity of nitric oxide in your endothelial cells, a key way to prevent cardiovascular disease. Nitric oxide production can help your veins dilate, which can help improve blood flow. These mechanisms are essential for maintaining healthy blood vessels and overall cardiovascular health. Elevated production of nitric oxide has the following heart health benefits:

  • Enhancing endothelial function

  • Preventing blood vessel clogs

  • Regulating blood pressure

  • Supporting overall cardiovascular function.

Fighting Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

Transresveratrol (trans resveratrol) manages oxidative stress and inflammation through its strong antioxidant activity, including regulation of crucial antioxidant enzymes and inhibition of DNA damage induced by free radicals.

The anti-inflammatory action of trans-resveratrol contributes to its health benefits by inhibiting the activation of inflammatory cells, curbing the release of pro-inflammatory factors, and reducing brain inflammation.

Optimal Dosage and Administration of Resveratrol

Like many supplements, the dosage of resveratrol impacts its effectiveness. Surprisingly, lower doses of resveratrol are linked to the best health benefits. In fact, increasing the dosage may diminish these effects and could lead to side effects when surpassing 2.5 grams of resveratrol per day.

That being said, dosages of resveratrol such as 150mg or more, have shown effectiveness in:

  • Balancing systolic blood pressure

  • Increasing insulin sensitivity

  • Promoting longevity

Meanwhile, lower dosages are typically utilized for cardiovascular health, skin health and also longevity. In other words, a little resveratrol goes a long way! As always, check with your doctor for appropriate doses for any new supplement.

Natural Sources vs. Supplemental Resveratrol

There are numerous natural sources of resveratrol available in your daily diet. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, the best primary natural sources of resveratrol include:

  • Red wine

  • Peanuts

  • Pistachios

  • Grapes

  • Blueberries

  • Cranberries

  • Cocoa

  • Dark chocolate

  • Lingonberry

Natural foods contain a relatively low amount of resveratrol when compared to supplements. So, in order to get a significant amount of resveratrol, supplements are likely your best bet. You see, to achieve a dosage of 500mg, you would need to consume approximately 10,000 grapes -- a feat even for Dionysus!

When it comes to supplements, resveratrol is harvested from plants, such as grape skins or the plant Polygonum cuspidatum. There are potential differences in bioavailability from plant to plant, another reason why transresveratrol (trans resveratrol) supplements could be more effective than natural dietary sources as they're the more potent form of this antioxidant.

The body efficiently absorbs resveratrol from both natural sources and supplements when taken orally. Following absorption, it undergoes rapid metabolism and is delivered to areas of the body -- like the heart and brain -- where it increases nitric oxide (NO) levels.

Choosing a Quality Nutritional Supplement

The quality of supplements depends on various factors such as purity, quality, and potency. A commonly sought after purity standard is 98 percent. Some products may also have certifications and undergo independent testing to ensure quality assurance. Green Valley Natural's Advanced Brain Power with resveratrol is standardized to 99 percent and is manufactured at facilities that have been awarded a cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Process) seal. And Stem Cell Restore by Green Valley Naturals contains a standardized anti-aging dose of transresveratrol from the Polygonum cuspidatum plant.

Addressing Safety: Potential Side Effects and Interactions

Resveratrol is considered safe for daily consumption at standard doses and is generally well tolerated by the body. However, just like with any supplement, there are a few things to consider when it comes to dosage, side effects and drug interaction.

Recognizing Adverse Effects

Potential side effects of resveratrol include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and liver dysfunction. Adverse effects are commonly observed at doses of 2.5 grams or more per day. And remember, the research shows it's actually the lower doses of resveratrol that impart the greatest health benefits.

Navigating Drug-Supplement Interactions

It is also important to note that resveratrol supplements can have a negative interaction with medications that slow blood clotting, such as anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs, and NSAID pain relievers. This is because resveratrol itself has the potential to slow blood clotting-- which is one of the reasons for its heart health benefits. Specifically, when resveratrol is combined with blood thinners like warfarin, resveratrol may amplify the anticoagulant effect, which could lead to an increased risk of bleeding.


In the journey through the world of resveratrol derivatives and transresveratrol (trans resveratrol), it’s clear that these compounds offer many potential health benefits. From supporting cardiovascular health, improving brain health and strengthening memory, to providing anti-aging effects and aiding in weight management, resveratrol proves to be a potent ally in maintaining overall wellness as you get older. While resveratrol supplements offer an accessible and convenient way to obtain these benefits, it is crucial to consider factors such as dosage, purity, and potential side effects to ensure optimal results. By understanding resveratrol and how to effectively incorporate it into a healthy lifestyle, you can harness its potential to support long-term health and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is transresveratrol the same as resveratrol?

Transresveratrol and resveratrol are related compounds, but they are not the same. Transresveratrol is a form of resveratrol found in certain plants and foods, such as grapes, peanuts, and some berries. It is also available as a supplement. Compared to regular resveratrol, transresveratrol is more bioavailable, meaning it's easier for the body to absorb and use. It can be absorbed up to 30 times faster than regular resveratrol.

What is the best form of resveratrol?

While this antioxidant is found in red wine and certain plants, the best form of resveratrol is trans-resveratrol which is more potent and can increase stem cell health. That's why Stem Cell Restore by Green Valley Naturals contains a standardized dose of transresveratrol from the Polygonum cuspidatum plant.

Who should not take transresveratrol?

People who are pregnant or with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or bleeding disorders should avoid resveratrol. Always check with a doctor before starting any supplement, regardless of your current health status.

What are the benefits of transresveratrol?

Transresveratrol (trans resveratrol) has several benefits, including assistance with heart health, cognitive function, weight maintenance, stem cell health, blood sugar, and various positive effects on the body such as blood vessel expansion and reducing blood clotting, among others. These benefits are largely the result of transresveratrol's antioxidant properties and can help improve overall health and well-being.

What is the recommended dosage for resveratrol supplements?

A little resveratrol goes a long way. While research shows that dosages up to 2.5 grams are safe, it's the lower dosages 5mg - 150mg that are recommended to maximize health benefits.

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Wang TT, Hudson TS, Wang TC, Remsberg CM, Davies NM, Takahashi Y, Kim YS, Seifried H, Vinyard BT, Perkins SN, Hursting SD. Differential effects of resveratrol on androgen-responsive LNCaP human prostate cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Carcinogenesis. 2008 Oct;29(10):2001-10. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgn131. Epub 2008 Jun 26. PMID: 18586690; PMCID: PMC2722852.

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Bhatt JK, Thomas S, Nanjan MJ. Resveratrol supplementation improves glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nutr Res. 2012 Jul;32(7):537-41. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2012.06.003. Epub 2012 Jul 27. PMID: 22901562.

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Berman, A.Y., Motechin, R.A., Wiesenfeld, M.Y. et al. The therapeutic potential of resveratrol: a review of clinical trials. npj Precision Onc 1, 35 (2017).

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Oregon State University, Linus Pauling Institute, Micronutrient Information Center: Resveratrol.

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