A Team Dedicated to Empowering Your Natural Health Journey

The Green Valley Naturals Team

Our team of natural health and medical writers brings together decades of experience, academic expertise, practical knowledge, and personal passion to help you and your family benefit from the latest breakthroughs in natural and alternative health.

The team’s collective knowledge covers nutrition and supplements, natural health and alternative medicine, and the latest research into today’s most challenging health issues.

Handpicked by Green Valley Naturals founder Lee Euler, a pioneering advocate for natural healing, the team skillfully translates complex medical information into exciting and accessible reporting, touching millions of lives.

Together, this team’s commitment to empowering readers with thoroughly researched, scientifically backed information on natural remedies and holistic wellness strategies can help you take control of your health and longevity.

The "Smart" Mushroom That Could Keep You Mentally Sharp For Life about false

Brain Function

The "Smart" Mushroom That Could Keep You Mentally Sharp For Life

The "Smart" Mushroom That CouldKeep You Mentally Sharp For Life-->What was her secret?It's not only that neurobiologist Rita Levi-Montalcini lived to the age of 103, the only Nobel prize winner who


Natural Health

Startling New Study Shows Niacin "Megadose Therapy" is Dangerous

Volume 1: Issue #12Startling New Study Shows Niacin"Megadose Therapy" is Dangerous-->For decades, conventional doctors have been dishing out megadoses of a vitamin that, while important for

Tons of Evidence Support This Brain Supplement about false

Brain Function

Tons of Evidence Support This Brain Supplement

“Age takes away all things, even the mind,” wrote Virgil in 70 BC.But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can retain good mental function throughout life by making healthy food and lifestyle

Your Body’s Master Defender Against Disease and Aging about false

Healthy Aging

Your Body’s Master Defender Against Disease and Aging

Inside your cells this nutrient is without equal as an antioxidant — for its ability to neutralize toxins, boost immunity, fight disease and hold back the aging process.So why have so few people

For Strong Bones You Need More Than Calcium about false


For Strong Bones You Need More Than Calcium

When most people think of bone health, calcium is the first thing that comes to mind.But even though this mineral is a vital part of our skeleton, on its own it won’t be enough to keep the

You Need More Than Bacteria For a Healthy Gut Microbiome about false

Gut Health

You Need More Than Bacteria For a Healthy Gut Microbiome

Recently, a deadly fungus superbug called Candida auris became the latest menace to hit hospitals, with 44 cases in New York and 17 in New Jersey.It was especially alarming because some strains are

Does Your Nose Hold The Key to Longevity? about false

Natural Health

Does Your Nose Hold The Key to Longevity?

Losing your sense of smell not only spoils the enjoyment of food and fragrances, and reduces retrieval of smell-associated memories, it can also be hazardous to your health. What’s more, it’s not a

Can Vitamin E Supplements Be Dangerous? about false


Can Vitamin E Supplements Be Dangerous?

Is There Anything to Those Stories About the Dangers of Vitamin E? An overdose can kill. Too much will cause prostate cancer. It raises the risk of premature death .The findings of several studies in

Sunshine Offers Far More Benefits than Just Vitamin D about false

Natural Health

Sunshine Offers Far More Benefits than Just Vitamin D

Medical researchers are finally beginning to recognize the benefits of a health “secret” that natural health practitioners have recommended for thousands of years. It even precedes the era of the

Your Vitamin D is Largely a Waste of Time if You Lack This Mineral about false

Joint & Muscle Health

Your Vitamin D is Largely a Waste of Time if You Lack This Mineral

There’s one mineral that’s so important for health and so lacking in the foods Americans eat that medical researchers from around the country recently attended a workshop in Massachusetts just to

Could a Hamburger Give You Arthritis? about false


Could a Hamburger Give You Arthritis?

If you suffer the pains and aches of arthritis, the bacteria in beef may be the source of your problem.That’s right – research now shows that not only is beef implicated in many cases of rheumatoid

Common Food Additive May Give You Diabetes or Colon Problems about false

Diet & Lifestyle

Common Food Additive May Give You Diabetes or Colon Problems

Many researchers are now focusing on a food additive that is also used in paint, plastics, and batteries. I’d never heard of it – or at least I never gave it a thought. But it’s shaping up as a

Time to Stop Calling HDL "Good" Cholesterol about false

Healthy Aging

Time to Stop Calling HDL "Good" Cholesterol

It's one of those myths so well established in the minds of doctors and the public it's almost impossible to shift: The idea that reducing cholesterol has a major impact on heart disease.It's

Vitamin C is Too Important to Just Take for the Sniffles about false


Vitamin C is Too Important to Just Take for the Sniffles

When a blocked nose, sore throat and general feeling of malaise strikes, many people head to the pharmacist or health store to pick up some vitamin C tablets.But this thinking is all wrong. We need

Drug-Free Ways to Ease Chronic Pain about false

Natural Health

Drug-Free Ways to Ease Chronic Pain

According to a new report1 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 50 million American adults are living with chronic pain. And if you’re one of these pain sufferers, I don’t need

A Tuning Fork May be Your Next Medicine about false

Natural Health

A Tuning Fork May be Your Next Medicine

Remember that classic Beach Boys song about “pickin’ up good vibrations?” The 60s megahit was about young love, but now there’s evidence that good vibrations of another kind may be good for your

Drugs, Surgeries and Other Medical Interventions that Don't Work about false

Natural Health

Drugs, Surgeries and Other Medical Interventions that Don't Work

Some medical practices may be totally useless, or even harmful.That's not just my opinion. It's shared by a group of doctors and researchers who analyzed over 3000 trials published in leading medical

Unique Health Benefits of Cold Weather Exercise about false

Joint & Muscle Health

Unique Health Benefits of Cold Weather Exercise

In fact, the latest science shows exercising outdoors, even in cooler weather, provides health benefits that indoor exercise doesn’t. Read on for the story.

This Mineral Helps Your Body Fight off Viruses and More about false


This Mineral Helps Your Body Fight off Viruses and More

Your immune system depends on an important mineral it uses to make proteins enabling it to fight back against infectious microbes.So, it didn’t surprise me to find that research in China shows that,

To Get Sick Less Often, Try These Inexpensive Nutrients about false


To Get Sick Less Often, Try These Inexpensive Nutrients

The people taking supplements were sick for shorter periods of time, and if they did get sick, their symptoms were less troublesome. Plus, they got better faster than non-supplement takers.

Can You Pass the Stair Test? about false

Natural Health

Can You Pass the Stair Test?

It’s a phrase that’s become almost cliché: take the stairs instead of the elevator.Why? To improve the health of your heart, of course.Now, there’s another reason.A new study suggests that how fast

The Simple Secret to Controlling High Blood Pressure about false

Healthy Aging

The Simple Secret to Controlling High Blood Pressure

American adults who have hypertension could manage it successfully by doing one simple thing: monitoring it at home.

Earwax May Hold the Key for Revealing Your Diabetes Status at Home about false

Natural Health

Earwax May Hold the Key for Revealing Your Diabetes Status at Home

Since the pandemic began many are reluctant to visit healthcare facilities. It has become all the more important to create easy-to-use, low-cost home diagnostic tests for common conditions such as

The Blood Pressure Problem Many Doctors Miss about false

Healthy Aging

The Blood Pressure Problem Many Doctors Miss

You know that high blood pressure can be a threat to your health – endangering your heart, arteries and your brain. High blood pressure can increase your risk of a heart attack, stroke and even

These Bacteria Can Make You Healthier – If You Let Them about false

Gut Health

These Bacteria Can Make You Healthier – If You Let Them

Millions upon millions of bacteria live in your body, the majority of them in your digestive tract. These bacteria can be your best friends for better health or your worst enemies. Many times the

The Surprising Fruit You Can Eat for Stronger Bones and a Healthier Heart about false

Joint & Muscle Health

The Surprising Fruit You Can Eat for Stronger Bones and a Healthier Heart

For decades researchers have pointed to the mineral calcium as the key nutritional ingredient for building up bones, along with vitamin D.And while those nutrients are important, they’ve overlooked a

Lower High Blood Pressure While You Watch TV? about false

Natural Health

Lower High Blood Pressure While You Watch TV?

Imagine, a blood pressure solution that’s so fast it takes just five minutes a day... so easy you can do it while watching television... and so effective it will cut high blood pressure like

Simple Strength-Training Secret for Better Sleep about false

Natural Health

Simple Strength-Training Secret for Better Sleep

It’s not exactly news that folks who get plenty of physical activity are generally healthier. But did you know that it helps with sleep, too?Past research found that the more physical activity you

Take A Walk for a Healthy Heart: Here’s How Many Steps It Takes about false

Healthy Aging

Take A Walk for a Healthy Heart: Here’s How Many Steps It Takes

Could walking an additional 500 steps – roughly a quarter mile – have an impact on your heart health?The answer is a resounding yes, according to a new study presented at the American Heart

How To Gain Muscle Mass: HMB And Sarcopenia about false

Joint & Muscle Health

How To Gain Muscle Mass: HMB And Sarcopenia

How To Gain Muscle Mass: Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) And SarcopeniaThe Muscle-Building Supplement That Can Save You From FrailtyIt sounds like a couch potato’s dream but there really may

Top Probiotics for Women: Finding Your Gut Health Allies For Better Health about false

Gut Health

Top Probiotics for Women: Finding Your Gut Health Allies For Better Health

Probiotics for women aren’t just about gut health; they’re key players in promoting a robust immune defense as well as better urinary and vaginal health. And when it comes to women's health, all

The “Long-Life” Mineral Six In Ten Are Missing about false

Diet & Lifestyle

The “Long-Life” Mineral Six In Ten Are Missing

Magnesium is essential for bone mineralization and formation

What Is Brain Fog? A Deep Dive into Mental Cloudiness about false

Brain Fog

What Is Brain Fog? A Deep Dive into Mental Cloudiness

Struggling with brain fog? Discover the science behind this mental cloudiness and learn evidence-based solutions.