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Eat MORE Carbs To Live Longer? The new study that turns mainstream diet advice on its head…

ReviewedReviewed by Susan Clark

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Eat MORE Carbs To Live Longer? The new study that turns mainstream diet advice on its head… about Colon Ultra Cleanse

When it comes to eating for a longer life, the mainstream will tell you the same old, tired advice: avoid carbs and fat. They’ll tell you to walk away from some of your favorite foods – like steak and potatoes or eggs and toast – forever.

But you don’t need to. I’m here to tell you the truth about diet and longevity. The fact is, the foods that are the very worst for your health are the foods that are highly processed and filled with refined sugars, refined fats and refined carbohydrates. And that includes junk food as well as some so called “health foods.”

Processed foods result in a build-up of unhealthy fat cells in the body, which triggers chronic inflammation that's linked to many of the illnesses of aging.

If you want to eat for longevity then load your table up with fruit, vegetables, lean meats, whole grain bread or potatoes with cheese and a big glass of whole milk. In fact, new research shows that eating MORE carbs – and fat – could be the best way for some folks to live longer and stay cancer-free.

Here are the details…

For the new study, researchers from Nagoya University in Japan looked at the dietary habits and mortality rates of more than 81,000 adults over nine years. At the end, the data revealed some fascinating findings about how carbohydrate and fat intake can impact your longevity.

Low-Carb, Low-Fat Means Low Longevity

In men, those who consumed LESS than 40 percent of their calories from carbohydrates saw a significantly increased risk of dying from cancer or any disease.

On the other hand, women with a very high carbohydrate intake-- greater than 65 percent of their diet-- had a higher risk of all-cause mortality. Now, keep in mind this is a staggering amount of carbohydrates.

The same went for fat. Men with a very low unsaturated fat intake saw an increase in death from all-causes and from cancer. While men who consumed a very high amount of fats—more than 35 percent of their calories from fats—also saw a higher risk of death, especially from dying of cancer. In other words, eat carbohydrates and fat in moderation if you’re a man. But, if you’re a woman, you can and should eat a higher fat diet.

That’s because for women, higher fat intake was linked to a lower risk of all-cause deaths.

Fat Is Better For You Than You’re Led To Believe

This is particularly interesting because the mainstream has vilified saturated fats – like those in steak, eggs, and butter – for years. These findings show just the opposite of what conventional medicine wants you to believe about fats and longevity.

Lead researcher Dr. Takashi Tamura reports the following on the results:

“Overall, an unfavorable association with mortality is observed for low-carbohydrate intake in men and high carbohydrate intake in women, whereas high fat intake could be associated with a lower mortality risk in women. The findings suggest that individuals should carefully consider how to balance their diet and ensure that they are taking in energy from a variety of food sources, while avoiding extremes.”

More Bad News About Low-Carb Diets

Other research shows us just how dangerous low-carb diets are.

A 2019 study of nearly 500,000 people shows that folks with the lowest carb intake have a 32 percent higher risk of overall mortality and a 36 percent higher risk of dying from cancer.

Another study of more than 15,000 seniors found that folks with a carb intake lower than 40 percent or higher than 70 percent of their caloric intake were at significant risk of premature death.

This data also showed that folks with diets in the 50 to 55 percent carbohydrate range saw optimal longevity results. So, the next time your doctor tells you that a low-carbohydrate diet is the only way to go, show him this article and ask him exactly why he thinks that. I bet he won’t have an answer for you!

Staying In The Healthy Range

Staying in a healthy range for carbohydrates can be very confusing. It’s not as easy as making your plate 50 percent carbs and the rest protein and fat.

Instead, you need to calculate how many calories you get from carbohydrates versus other energy sources. One way to do this is with a food tracker. Many folks use My Fitness Pal to track their carbohydrate intake.

But I have an easier way…

Follow the Mediterranean diet by focusing on fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. Building a plate with these foods should give you all the carbohydrates and fat you need for a long, healthy life.

In fact, research has shown time and again that the Mediterranean diet can extend your life… and keep you healthy for years to come.

Best regards,
The Green Valley Team

https:// www.sciencedirect. com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022316623721986?via%3Dihub

https:// academic.oup. com/eurheartj/article/40/34/2870/5475490

https:// www. thelancet. com/journals/lanpub/article/PIIS2468-2667%2818%2930135-X/fulltext

https:// www. hsph.harvard. edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/mediterranean-diet-high-in-polyphenols-linked-with-

Colon Ultra Cleanse

Colon Ultra Cleanse

Promotes Healthy Colon Function


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